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What is Tea Mastermind?
It is a group of like-minded individuals who are focused on a shared goal to pool their experience and grow together over a quick period of time.

Napoleon Hill described the concept of the Mastermind as "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose". He also said: "Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth." 

A mastermind is one of the most powerful tools you'll ever experience, because when you connect with even just one other entrepreneur who is focused on tea, marketing and success, your ideas don't just double, they TENFOLD! It's not a matter of multiplication - it's a matter of the exponential. Mastermind groups provide exponential growth!

So I've launched a type of hybrid mastermind program where members....

  • gain tea knowledge and success strategies
  • obtain information in small doses, reviewing one topic at a time in a clear, simple way
  • experience the Mastermind concept where members can interact, network and brainstorm with one another

And now we are announcing the LAUNCH of my BRAND NEW

For those who have a tea-related business with 2+ years experience; or are actively involved as a tea trainer; start-up tea businesses are accepted on a case-by-case basis.

The overall goal of the Tea Mastermind is for highly motivated, like-minded professionals with a passion for all things tea to come together, share information about tea and share ideas on how to increase sales, grow their businesses and provide a supportive network. It's like having your own personal board of directors.

Each Tea Mastermind member brings different experiences, strengths and skillsets to the table. Each member is responsible to learn frm and to teach other members. As we do this, we are empowered to create solutions for ourselves and our group members.

What Is A Tea Mastermind?

What is a mastermind and how can it help your business?

A Tea Mastermind Group includes a mentor/facilitator and some of the following:

Group coaching
Weekly group video conference calls
Private group forum
Online, digital content
Live events

Masterminds are differentiated from online group programs by having live events and they are different from e-Courses for the same reason plus the inclusion of live group coaching.

Why should I join?

  • Because the tea industry is zooming and you want to lead the way
  • Because you like what you do...and want to be one of the best.
  • Because you want to make a positive difference in your life.
  • Because you’re tired of operating in an information vacuum.
  • Because you need guidance on effective success strategies.
  • Because hearing “What you shoulda done” drives you bonkers.
  • Because you can’t be everywhere at once and want involvement opportunities.
  • Because sometimes you need help finding the answers and want to be connected to the right resources.
  • Because you need to know which vendors dance the same tea tango with you (good, bad or ugly)
  • Because you’d like suggestions on personnel issues.
  • Because you’d like suggestions on customer issues.
  • Because you’d like suggestions on marketing issues.
  • Because you want to be financially independent – You can’t take “wow” to the bank.
  • Because companies with deep pockets are already doing this,
    and you need to stay a clever step ahead of them.
  • Because there’s no reason not to.
Why You Need To Be In A Mastermind

Going it alone in business can be a real struggle, especially when your family and friends don’t understand. They're not in your shoes. Yes, their opinions count but they don't have the same day-to-day experiences that you have. 
Group forums such as private Facebook groups help to a great extent however the best communcation is face-to-face in a like-minded community of your peers.
Tea Mastermind helps you Create+Design+Manage A Profitable Business.

  • Members learn new ideas in a short presentation.

  • Members use "homework", planners and checklists to help them meet their goals.

  • Members discuss their goals and problems from the last meeting and what they've done to accomplish their goals.

  • Members discuss problems they are having and other members offer ideas and advice.

  • Each person sets a goal to accomplish before the next meeting.

Learning more in a mastermind group

Tea education classes from the comfort and privacy of your desktop.